There are three types of minor scales: natural, harmonic and melodic. In this post, we’ll discuss all three of them.
Key signature of a minor key
A minor key shares the same key signature as its relative major key. To find the relative major key, count upwards by 3 notes (or downwards by 6 notes).
For example, to find the major key with the same key signature as G minor, we’ll count upwards by 3 notes. Starting from G, it will be G -> A -> B flat. Hence, the relative major key of G minor is B flat major. Counting downwards by 6 notes will yield the same result. Starting from G, it will be G, F, E, D, C, B flat.
Natural Minor Scales
A natural minor key simply “follows” key signature. There are no additional accidentals.
For instance, the key signature for G minor is B flat and E flat. In the natural minor of G minor, we’ll play flats on B and E. No other accidentals.
Ascending scale of G minor (natural minor) is: G, A, B𝄬, C, D, E𝄬, F, G
Descending scale of G minor (natural minor) is: G, F, E𝄬, D, C, B𝄬, A, G
Tones/ semitones between pairs of notes in a natural minor scales
For natural minor, the pairs of semitones are found between the 2nd and 3rd note, and the 5th to 6th notes.
Let’s illustrate this using G natural minor:

Harmonic Minor Scales
In a harmonic minor scale, we’ll sharpen the 7th note for both ascending and descending scale.
For instance, the key signature for G minor is B flat and E flat. In addition, we’ll sharpen the 7th note (for both ascending and descending), F. Hence, we’ll play F# for this 7th note for G harmonic minor.
Ascending scale of G minor (harmonic minor) is: G, A, B𝄬, C, D, E𝄬, F#, G
Descending scale of G minor (harmonic minor) is: G, F#, E𝄬, D, C, B𝄬, A, G
Tones/ semitones between pairs of notes in a harmonic minor scales
For harmonic minor, there are 3 pairs of semitones per octave of scale. They are found between the 2nd and 3rd note, 5th to 6th notes, and 7th to 8th notes.
Let’s illustrate this using G harmonic minor:

Melodic Minor Scales
The notes of a melodic minor are different for ascending and descending scale. This is very unlike the harmonic and natural minor scale.
In a melodic minor scale, we’ll sharpen the 6th and 7th note when ascending. When descending, the melodic minor scale follows that of the natural minor scale.
For instance, the key signature for G minor is B flat and E flat. In addition, we’ll sharpen the 6th and 7th note (for ascending. Hence, we’ll play E𝄯 and F# for the 6th and 7th note when ascending.
When descending, the melodic minor scale follows that of the natural minor scale.
Ascending scale of G minor (harmonic minor) is: G, A, B𝄬, C, D, E(𝄯), F#, G
Descending scale of G minor (harmonic minor) is: G, F, E𝄬, D, C, B𝄬, A, G
Tones/ semitones between pairs of notes in a melodic minor scales
Since the notes involved in the ascending and descending part of a melodic minor are different, we have different semitone pairs when ascending and descending.
For melodic minor, there are 2 pairs of semitones when ascending. This occurs at the 2nd to 3rd note, and the 7th to 8th note.
When descending, the pairs of semitone occur at the 2nd to 3rd note, and the 5th to 6th note.
Let’s illustrate this using G melodic minor:

Minor Keys and Scales
Here are a list of the minor scales. Click on the key below to find more about each key and scale.