John Thompsonâs Easiest Piano Course is a series of 4 books, tailored specifically for beginners. In this blog post, weâll look at what is learned in each of the seven books in John Thompsonâs Easiest Piano Course Books.
Let Music Transcends Words with Canon in D
Music Transcends Words From a commercial by Tosando Music of Japan There are pieces of music that speaks my words for different period of timeâŠ.
B Minor Scale
B minor, like D Major has F# and C# in the key signature. Letâs look at its natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales of B minor.
Bâ Minor Scale
Bâ minor is the same as A# minor, since Bâ and A# are enharmonic to each other. Its relative major key is Dâ Major. Here, weâll look at the natural, harmonic and melodic minor scale of Bâ minor.
A# Minor Scale
A# minor is the same as Bâ minor, since A# and Bâ are enharmonic to each other. Its relative major key is C# Major. Here, weâll look at the natural, harmonic and melodic minor scale of A# minor.
A Minor Scale
A minor is the easiest scale, with no sharps and flats in the key signature. Its relative major key is C Major. Here, weâll look at the natural, harmonic and melodic minor scale of A minor.
G# Minor Scale
G# Minor is a relative minor of B Major. In this post, we look at the natural, harmonic and melodic scales of G# minor.
G Minor Scale
G minor is the relative minor for Bâ Major. In this post, weâll look at the natural, harmonic and melodic scales of G minor in detail.
F# Minor Scale
F# Minor scale is a scale that begins and ends with F#, with key signature of F#, C# and G#. The relative major key with the same key signature as F# minor is A Major.
F Minor Scale
F Minor scale is a scale that begins and ends with F, with a key signature of Bâ, Eâ, Aâ and Dâ. The relative major key with the same key signature as F minor is Aâ Major.